AbortDelete(action As Integer)

Cancel a user's delete action.

When one or more records are selected from databox and a DELETE event occurred (from menu or from toolbar) then a special xojoscript is invoked before deletion.


From that script one can call AbortDelete in order to cancel the deletion of a record from databox. Special scripts run before occurance of an Insert, Update or Delete to the database.  See menu 'Script -> Edit Special Scripts'.  From such a script we can implement customer specific business rules, like not allowing deletion of records with open invoices.


Parameters :







Cancel deletion of a record



Allow deletion of a record


Available in:







Used in:


XojoScript Name


Record delete from databox


Example Code:

Dim modul As String = GetActiveModul


// Prevent deletion of addresses if there are open seminar invoices

If modul = "addresses" Then

Dim arID() As string


arID = IDArrayOfSelectedAddresses


// If the passed array has no elements, result is set to -1.

If Ubound(arID) > -1 Then


Dim idStr As String

idStr = Join(arID,"," )


Dim sql As String

sql = "SELECT count(*) 'openbills' " _

+ "FROM " + GetPrefix + "link_adr_evt lnk, " + GetPrefix + "addresses adr " _

+ "WHERE lnk.id_adr = adr.id " _

+ "AND adr.id IN (" + idStr + ") " _

+ "AND totalpaid NOT LIKE groupprice"


Dim Records() As String

Dim FieldDelimiter As String = "**"


// Store Results in Array

Records = SQLSelect (sql,FieldDelimiter)


// Proceed if we have received any records

If Ubound(Records) > -1 Then


// If we produced an error, the returning record

// starts with the String : "ERROR"


If Left(Records(0 ),5 )="ERROR" Then

MsgBox Records(0// Display warning



Dim StrOpenBills As String

Dim NumOpenBills As Integer


// Number of open bills found

StrOpenBills = NthField(records(0 ),FieldDelimiter,1 )

NumOpenBills = Val(StrOpenBills)


If NumOpenBills > 0 Then

MsgBox ("Deletion was canceled!" + EOL + EOL + "Open invoices found: " + StrOpenBills)

AbortDelete (1 )


AbortDelete (0 )

End If   // NumOpenBills > 0

End If   // Left(Records(0),5)="ERROR"

End If   // Ubound(Records) > -1

End If // Ubound(arID) > -1

End If   // modul = "addresses