PdfTableGetNextRow(tblHandle As Integer) As Integer


Queries next row of last draw operation.


The function returns the index of the next row that will be drawn when PdfTableDraw is called the next time.


The pdf file shown in this picture

is created by the example script below.


The PdfTableGetNextRow function

is used to calculate the record counters

in the heading










The identification number (handle) of a table,

obtained from the PdfTableCreate function.








0 or higher

returns the index of the next row to be drawn when PdfTableDraw is called the next time.

Returns -1 on failure


Available in:







Hint: You can find references to XojoScripts which make use of this function by sending the following SQL statement to the database:

Select id,GUID, ScriptName,ScriptCode from im_scripts where ScriptCode Like '%PdfTableGetNextRow%'


Example XojoScript:


Dim rows As Integer = 100

Dim x,y As Double = 30.0

Dim pageCounter As Integer = 0


If PdfStart("testfile.pdf") > 0 Then

// sets a predefined page or paper format

Call PdfSetPageformat("E6")  // 312.0 x 439.0

PdfSetPageCoordsTopDown // Set top top-left as 0,0 coordinates

PdfSetFont("Arial","Regular",10.0) // Set output font

Call PdfSetFillColor("&c00000000") // // Set black textcolor

pageCounter = pageCounter + 1  // increase page counter

Call PdfWriteText(x,y,"Page " + Str(pageCounter)) // write page number


Dim hTbl As Integer = PdfTableCreate(rows,2,150.0,9.0)

If hTbl >= 0 Then

Call PdfTableSetColumnWidth(hTbl, 0, 20.0, False) // Set width of first colum, the last column autoadjusts

Call PdfTableSetFont(hTbl,-1, -1, "Arial", 8.0, "Regular") // Set Font, Size and Style for table

Call PdfTableSetBorderWidth(hTbl,-1, -1, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5) // Set outer border

Call PdfTableSetGridWidth(hTbl, 0.5,0.5) // Set inner gridlines

Call PdfTableSetCellPadding(hTbl,-1, 1, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0) // column 2 (1st column is 0)

Dim rowNum As Integer = 0 // Hold number of PDFTableRows created

rowNum = PdfTableAddRow(hTbl) // Add header row

Call PdfTableSetflags(hTbl,rowNum,-1,2)  // All columns of first row are set as headers

Call PdfTableSetCellText(hTbl,rowNum, 0, "Left",   "Top", "NO.") // Add header text

Call PdfTableSetCellText(hTbl,rowNum, 1, "Right",  "Top", "ITEM")


// Add all rows to table and insert some text to cells

For i As Integer = 0 To rows-1

rowNum = PdfTableAddRow(hTbl)

Dim cnt As String = Str(rowNum)

Call PdfTableSetCellText(hTbl,rowNum, 0, "Left",   "Top", cnt)

Call PdfTableSetCellText(hTbl,rowNum, 1, "Right",  "Top", "Item" + cnt)


y = y + 30.0 // Set new vertical position

Dim recsP1 As Integer = 0 // Store number or records on first page

Do // Now draw table to pdf and add pages if necessary

Call PdfTableDraw(hTbl,x,y,250.0) // 250.0= Maximum height of table, 0.0 = avoid pagebreaks

Dim firstrow As Integer = PdfTableGetFirstRow(hTbl)  // get index of first row on page

Dim nextrow As Integer = PdfTableGetNextRow(hTbl)-1 // get index of last row on page

If pagecounter = 1 Then

Call PdfWriteText(x+80.0,y-30.0 ,"Record " + Str(firstrow+1) + " to " + Str(nextrow))


End If

If PdfTableHaveMore(hTbl) Then

Call PdfEndpage // Terminate page

Call PdfAppend  // Add a new page

y = 30.0 // Reset vertical position

PdfSetFont("Arial","Regular",10.0) // Define font for new page and write text

pageCounter = pageCounter + 1  // Increase page number

Call PdfWriteText(x,y,"Page " + Str(pageCounter)) // write page number

If pagecounter = 2 Then firstrow = firstrow + 1  // adjust firstrow on page2

Call PdfWriteText(x+70.0,y, "Records " + Str(firstrow+recsP1) _

+ " to " + Str(If(nextrow+recsP1>rows,rows,nextrow+recsP1)))

y = y + 30.0 // Set vertical position for table to continue

PdfTableSetPdf(hTbl) // Expand table to new pdf page


Exit  // terminate loop

End If


End If // hTbl >= 0

Call PdfcloseFile // Finalize PDF

Call pdflaunch // Show it to the user

End If